CD Mendikbud Berisi BSE, PTK, RPP dan SILABUS

Teaching material is a learning resource that until now has an important role to support the learning process. Teaching materials should be able to qualify as learning materials because many teaching materials used in learning activities, generally tend to contain only field information and not well organized. The low quality of teaching materials with conventional learning will result in low student achievement. In addition, the shift of teachers initially as the only source of learning and currently leads as a facilitator demands the presence of a teaching material / handbook to bridge the problem of limited ability of students absorption and limitations of teachers’ ability in managing learning process in the classroom. In addition, the presence of teaching materials can be useful for understanding and providing treatment in accordance with the characteristics of students individually, bridging the problem of low self-actualization students, so that less understood materials can be re-explored through printed materials. Efforts to improve student achievement can be done with teaching materials that are adapted to the applicable curriculum of Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP). Therefore, this book is present in providing knowledge on the development of competency-based teaching materials in accordance with KTSP currently being implemented by the Government.

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Blog ini kami persembahkan kepada seluruh masyarakat untuk mengetahui lebih jauh layanan, produk, counter-counter serta informasi peluang kemitraan/keagenan. Blog ini juga akan menampilkan berita-berita terkait PTK, RPP, SILABUS, PROTA, PROMES dan BSE, yang perlu diketahui masyarakat.

Posted on Juni 5, 2017, in Buku BSE and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Komentar Dinonaktifkan pada CD Mendikbud Berisi BSE, PTK, RPP dan SILABUS.

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